Supporting the next generation of academic talent
Travel grants
The KFKI promotes the international networking of young researchers. Hence young scientists that want to present their research at international conferences in talks or poster exhibitions have the opportunity to apply for grants to cover conference travel expenses.
Grants are limited to 50% of costs for which evidence is supplied (participation fee, journey costs, accommodation).
Grants will only be awarded for one event per person per year under the precondition that travel expenses aren’t already covered by the general project budget.
The participation of several employees from the same institution in the same event will only be covered in justified exceptional cases.
Application is possible, as soon as a technical contribution (e.g. abstract) has been submitted to a conference.
Application shall be made by an informal e-mail to the KFKI’s Administrative Office including an estimate of costs as well as the submitted technical contribution (e.g. abstract).
Following successful participation, the recipient has to provide a brief report on the event attended to be published on the KFKI’s website.
Event grant
The KFKI offers the opportunity to apply for grants to cover event expenses with focus on coastal engineering which are directed to young specialists or young scientists.
Eligible expenditure are specialist aspects for example space rents for lecture events, excursions or presentations of external speakers. Excluded are catering and supporting programs.
The upper limit for funding is defined at 50 % of the costs or 1.000 € per event.
How to apply: once the event has been planned, an informal application can be sent to the KFKI’s Administrative Office, including a cost estimate and the detailed program.
In exchange for the grant, the KFKI has to be mentioned in the program, introductory presentations etc. by using the logo and the note „funded by the KFKI“. Additionally the recipient has to write a report including pictures (jpg, 300dpi) on the event that they attended for publication on the KFKI’s website and/or in its newsletter.
After the event proof of all costs incurred and the final event documents (program, list of participants etc.) have to be provided and sent to the KFKI’s Administrative Office.