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Topics and types of contribution


The journal Die Küste publishes articles on coastal engineering. The published articles focus on the (German) North and Baltic Sea including their coasts with their islands and the Halligen, the coastal waters, maritime waterways, and the coastal infrastructure, also including sea/river ports as well as harbours for pleasure and recreational vessels. The content of published articles focuses on coastal engineering and coastal protection with flood protection, coastal defence and maritime hydraulic engineering including coastal hydrology, coastal morphology and water management. This does - not exclusively - include:

Categories of articles

  1. Original research article: an original research article contains research that has been conducted by the authors themselves and published as a comprehensive article, containing the sections introduction, methods, results and discussion. The purpose of an original research article is to publish knowledge about processes, interconnections, findings, possibilities, natural phenomena, etc. that has not been previously described. The methods used must be described in sufficient detail for other researchers to be able to verify the results. The readership of original research articles published in Die Küste not only includes scientists working in related fields but also experts in specialised authorities and implementing administrative bodies.

  2. Review article: a review article summarizes the current state of knowledge about a specific topic (e.g. a process, a construction method, a geographical area, etc.) based on current knowledge and previously published results or research.

  3. Case study: case study articles report on a specific process, procedure, event, place, or even a specific structure or building that has particular relevance to the German coast.

  4. Practice reports and technical guidelines: these are technical and strategic instructions and recommendations for action with particular relevance to coasts, also including summaries of comprehensive sets of rules or regulations.

Articles published in Die Küste in the category of practice reports and technical guidelines (category 4) are labelled as non-scientific articles. Nevertheless, they are also subject to a rigorous quality assessment procedure; the criteria applied in this case differ to some extent from those of a scientific peer review: scientific articles (categories 1 to 3) are specifically reviewed with regard to whether they contain scientifically relevant findings; practice reports are evaluated for their general practical relevance.