Logo of German Coastal Engineering and Research Council and link to home page

Legal Notice

The website is published by

German Coastal Engineering and Research Council (KFKI)
c/o Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW)
Wedeler Landstraße 157
22559 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)40 81908 392
Email: kfki@baw.de

Mailing address:
Postfach 21 02 53
76152 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)721 9726 0
Email: info@baw.de

Authorized Representative
Dr.-Ing. Jan Kayser
Phone: +49 (721) 9726-3000
Email: jan.kayser@baw.de

Responsible and Editorial Management
Dr. Ingrid Holzwarth
Phone: +49 (0)40 81908 425
Email: ingrid.holzwarth@baw.de

arxio GmbH (programming, realisation)

Ruth Rothenstein

Volker Ridderbusch


The content provided on the website www.kfki.de is intended to facilitate public access to information as well as convey an accurate picture of the activities, plans and projects carried out by the German Coastal Engineering and Research Council (KFKI).

We assume no liability for completeness, editorial and technical errors, omissions or the accuracy of information on this website. The German Coastal Engineering and Research Council cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided. Likewise, the KFKI may not be held liable for possible damages caused by viruses through the retrieving or downloading of data or the installation or utilization of software.

The KFKI reserves the right to change, supplement or remove the information provided on this website without prior notice.

The internet service of the KFKI may contain external links to online content by third parties. We have no control over the content of these websites and therefore assume no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of information provided by links to external sources. The KFKI explicitly distances itself from all content which may be covered by criminal or liability law or are contrary to public policy or accepted morality.

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Please inform the online editorial staff if the KFKI provides links to websites whose content is incorrect or may be deemed objectionable Likewise, please also inform the KFKI if the own content provided on www.kfki.de is incorrect, not up to date, incomplete or incomprehensible using the provided contact information.


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